Resume Help and FAQs
Resume Help and FAQs will aid anyone who writes a resume using the Resumizer Free Resume Creator. Get answers to your questions about issues you may encounter and how to resolve them.
Answers and Help for Your Resume
Get the solution you need to put you back on track. There are many questions listed below with easy to understand answers that will facilitate the creation of your resume and enable you to use Resumizer to the fullest.Resume Help and FAQs for the Resumizer Free Resume Creator
Career Help Center
Table of Contents:
- I didn't see where to join the program.
- How can I save my resume?
- How can I edit my resume?
- Can I get help writing my resume?
- After creating a resume my changes weren't saved.
- Can I use this system with my smartphone or tablet?
- What do you do with the information I enter?
- Where are styles 26-30?
- What's the catch why is this free?
- I didn't see where to join the program.
We have discontinued the Resume Directory and membership area. Resumizer no longer offers the option to join. There is now no longer a place available for users to join because the Resume Creator program was always designed to be used without membership too. So, we returned back to that mode of operation. It was never a requirement that you join. You could always create and edit your resume without joining. When you reach the end of the creation process on the Preview page, click the “Edit File” button to download a file you can use to edit your resume in the future. Our goal was never to get people to join. It is to provide people with quality resumes and more for no cost. - How can I save my resume?
When you are finished making your resume, on the Preview page, under the “Export ” menu, click one of the export resume buttons to download your finished resume. Also, click the “Edit File” button to save your configuration to make changes later. - How can I edit my resume?
If you downloaded the Resume Edit file (resume-edit-fileXX-XX-XXXX.htm) then all you need to do is double-click it, click the button on the resulting page that opens into your browser. This action will bring you directly to the Edit page in the creator program. If you didn't download the Edit file you will have to re-create your resume manually because the system saved none of your info. - Can I get help writing my resume?
Although we don't offer hands-on help on an individual basis, within the program itself, we do provide many useful tips. You can also consult our resume help and tips page which lists all our online help resources or watch some of our videos. - After creating a resume my changes weren't saved.
Make sure you click one of the “Export Resume” buttons to download your finished resume. Also, click the “Edit File” button in case you want to make changes later. - Can I use this system with my smartphone or tablet?
Yes, we offer you the convenience of using your smartphone, tablet, or other mobile device to facilitate your job search with our Career Help Center and creator tools. This system is compatible with iPhone, Android, Windows, and other mobile devices. - What do you do with the information I enter?
The system only uses your information in conjunction with creating your resume. We do not use it in any other way. We do not store your information on Resumizer, so if you don't download the Edit file, we cannot retrieve your information. Your information is not given to any outside sources, please view our privacy policy for more information. - Where are styles 26-30?
Styles 26-30 were the only styles that were able to display a logo or photo. All styles 1-25 now have the capability to display an image so styles 26-30 became redundant because of the updated style templates. If you previously used styles 26-30 your style will be automatically reassigned to the appropriate new style. - What's the catch why is this free?
No catch, Resumizer is supported by third-party advertising. You can obtain more information about getting your resume for free. You will really get it for free from start to finish! - Now what? I tried everything else.
If you tried these FAQs and you still haven't resolved your issue please contact us for additional support. We do offer this service for free so if you could extend to us the courtesy of trying these measures first before you contact us we would appreciate it. We will normally ask you if you tried these measures first, then we will assist you so you might as well save a step.