Free Online Resume Listing Create and Post Your Resume Online

Free Online Resume Listing Create and Post Your Resume Online
Get a free online resume listing. Create and post your resume online in Resumizer's Resume Directory. Employers can find their next employee quickly and easily by searching our database of qualified candidates. The resumes posted online in our resume directory were created using the Resumizer Free Resume Creator system.Users are not required to create an account to use our Free Resume Creator system. We offer job seekers the added benefit of posting the resumes they create in our free online resume listing. To use this optional service, the creation of a complimentary member's account is necessary; you will accomplish this action inside the Resume Creator program itself.
Aside from being listed in this directory, users can log in to manage their resumes online. The resume directory is free to join; users can log in to the My Resumizer Management Center to update, print, download and send their resumes whenever they wish.
Being listed in the directory is optional, users can make their resumes public or private. A resume set to be private will not show up in the directory or the search results. It will also be unavailable to prospective employers. Users will be able to do everything else, such as edit, print, download, and send resumes. If a user makes their resume public, they will be assigned a web address they can publish on blogs, websites, or social networking pages.
Due to diminished user interest, we have discontinued the online directory/members portion of this system. Everyone used the creator programs and not the directory. Or, users created accounts, and then they became dormant because the users didn't come back to use them. The creator portion will continue to function so you can still make all the resumes you need. There has always been an alternative method of saving your resume information, an edit-file instead of our database. Going forward you will export the Edit-file to your device within the creator program. Your information will be saved to your device by downloading the Edit file. When you double-click this file it will open in your browser. A page will appear with a button you will click to load your data into the creator program. From there you can edit your resume as needed. This additional export feature has been available since this system began. We hope this change doesn't create too much of an inconvenience for our users. Everyone will still be able to create the same high-quality resumes as always. Please proceed to the Free Resume Creator to build your resume!
Accounting-Tax Prep
Creative Design
Food Service-Hospitality
Human Resources
IT-Software Development
Real Estate-Mortgage
Repair Services
Retail Sales