Reference Page Example

Reference Page Example Template
You are welcome to download our template. You may also use our Free Reference Page Creator. Enter the info for your contacts, and the program will set up and format it for you. This example shows what to include and how to set up your page correctly should you choose to write it manually. Once you enter your contacts, you can decide which style to use, and which colors and fonts are appropriate. It is customary to use the same colors, font, and formatting, as was used for both your resume and cover letter.Here is a basic example; there are many more elements that you can add and change to customize it for your unique application. The reference page example shown below demonstrates the fundamentals of what your writing should look like and what you should include. See our tutorials on how to write resume references and reference page mistakes to avoid to hone your writing skills. For more assistance there is a writing video and a tutorial on how to write these pages. There are even more resources in our Career Help Center.