How to Find the Best Career

Find A Satisfying Career
Some people don't have trouble determining what they would like to do as their profession. Unfortunately, we cannot all be that lucky. Even after years of school or training, people still change their minds. Choosing a career is a tough decision to make, no matter what stage you are in your life. You will be working this job for a long time. Some jobs will become obsolete, forcing workers to find new careers. Whether you are fresh out of school and recently graduated or are returning to work after a long absence, what you decide to do with your life matters. It should be something that makes you happy.You must sit down and evaluate your career goals in a variety of ways to determine the best direction to move in your life. The following are suggestions to take into account during your evaluation. Ask yourself these valuable questions to determine what you could do with your professional life.
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Explore These Methods to Find the Best Career for You
Review these questions and write down the answers to create a profile of your interests. This soul search can aid you in choosing a profession.- What Are Your Values and Ideals?
Think about what has value in your life and the things or ideas that matter to you. This self-exploration is a multi-dimensional practice because you need to discover the things that are important to your lifestyle and your career goals simultaneously.- For example, what kind of lifestyle would you like to live?
- What kind of car do you want to drive?
- How many bedrooms do you want in your house and where would you be most interested in living?
- Do you want a “green” job?
- Do you like to help others?
- What Do You Like to Do in Your Spare Time?
In what hobbies or activities do you regularly participate? Do you volunteer or intern anywhere and really enjoy it? Do you like keeping busy or physically active? Would you prefer to use your mind rather than your hands to complete your work? Do you like to be alone most of the time? These things in which you engross yourself during your free time can be great indicators as to what would make you happy as a profession.
Notice the skills you apply during your free time as well because you can use them to your advantage when applying for jobs. For example, if you spend your free time teaching children at a local community center, you know that you do not mind working with kids. Doing this activity also demonstrates your leadership and public speaking skills. You may overlook free time activities, but upon closer inspection, they can help you to figure out the perfect career based on your interests. - What Were/Are Your Favorite School Subjects?
Think about all the school experiences that you had. What subjects made you excited to go to class? What textbook did you not mind reading? Thinking about this is more on the emotional side of things when observing career prospects, but it is helpful when choosing your path.
At the same time, think about the school subjects that you disliked. That way, you know to steer clear of jobs that involve those types of activities. If you hated English class taking a position as a journalist is probably not the smartest move for you. - You Can Better Understand Yourself
If asking and answering questions like those listed above, does not help you determine what you would like to do with your profession, you have another option. Participating in informational interviews can be extremely helpful to give you a glimpse of various fields.
An informational interview happens for the benefit of the applicant. The applicant is not trying to apply and actually land the job. They simply speak with the employer about the types of tasks and projects that the company completes.
Going through this type of interview process is more time-consuming and requires much effort. However, by talking to professionals in different fields, you will have a clear understanding of the types of jobs out there.