Get Rehired by a Previous Employer

Want to Work for a Previous Employer? Here's How to Get Rehired
If you want to get rehired by a previous employer, it may be easier if you appropriately reconnect and reestablish a solid relationship with your former manager.Many people are doubtful that if a position opened up at their old place of employment, they would get hired again. There is a great fear that exists due to the way they may have left things at their former company. It is essential to remember exactly how the relationship between you and the company had played out toward the end. If you feel that there was animosity toward you at the company, it would be in your best interest to avoid applying for a position.
Just because you left a job doesn't automatically mean that you have burned all of your bridges there. Weigh the benefits and potential dangers of applying for a position that you have already had. You will have to play it by ear.
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So You Want to Get Rehired by a Previous Employer?
In your attempt to get rehired by a previous employer, here are some suggestions that you can use to increase your chances of success. Remember to take your particular situation into account before you attempt to reapply to a place you were once already employed.- Remember Why You Quit
Before you get into the whole rehiring process, take a moment to recall why you left in the first place. Were the working conditions terrible? Did you feel undervalued? If you are going to walk back into an environment that you already left because there were problems there. You need to know what remedies will improve the situation.
Negotiate your job benefits and mitigate any problems that you may have previously encountered right from the start. You have an advantage when you interview for this position because you already know the manager and understand what they are expecting. Take this knowledge and use it to get what you want. - Keep In Touch
If you are interested in going back to a job in which you already worked, reconnect with your old colleagues. Maybe they can put in a good word for you. They could mention some of your past successes to the manager.
If you have any friends in management, that is even better! Use your networking skills and connections to reclaim your position at the company. - Preparation Is Key
When you return to your former employer, they are going to have many questions for you about your reasons for leaving and why you want to work for them again. You have to be able to respond respectfully and honestly to any of the interview questions asked.
Besides, you need to persuade the company to hire you back. After all, they have been getting along fine without you. So why are you now going to be an asset to their company? Give them a list of reasons for why they will be much better off with you when they hire you back, feel free to bring up past successes if they are relevant. - Talk to the Boss
You most likely know the manager with whom you will be dealing. One of the easiest and most straightforward ways to handle getting your old job back is to talk to your former boss and ask for it back. If you sit down and explain your situation to your previous boss, he may remember your positive attributes and give you your old job back. - Always Keep Searching
You never know how any of this is going to turn out. Sometimes people can have bad feelings toward someone for leaving their job. That is why it is so important always to keep looking for a position in case the company does not want to hire you back.