What to Do About a Bad Performance Review

Got a Bad Performance Review? Here's What to Do About It
They are conducted to evaluate an individual employee's contributions and worth to the company. The employer has a chance to explain what they appreciate about your work, but at the same time, has no trouble laying out everything that you need to improve.The company made an investment in your skills and abilities when they hired you. So when they take the time to audit your work, don't think of it as a personal attack. The employer wants to be certain that you are continuing your commitment to the company using your best effort.
What most people don't realize is that a performance review is crucial to their job. Please don't take them too lightly because often how you react during this meeting can affect what the company thinks of you. Later on, these feelings can determine how well they reward you with promotions, raises, and other benefits.
Since this process is so critical to the status of your employment, there are a few things that you can do before, during, and after your meeting that can benefit you professionally.
What to Do About a Bad Performance Review Tips and Strategies
Career Help Center
What to Do Before the Review
- Prepare Yourself
Come into your meeting, prepared for the worst. You must be emotionally ready to handle having someone tell you that you are not good at your job. Re-evaluate your job description and duties and make a realistic list with your successes and weaknesses from the past year.
A large part of this process is the ability of the employees to create new ideas about how the workplace can be improved. If you think that you may get a poor performance rating, come up with ideas about how you can improve your productivity and skills. Maybe new training systems can be implemented? Be an innovator and think about new ways your company can be improved.
What to Do During the Review
- Be Polite
The employer may be stating many negative comments regarding your job performance. Be polite and do not interrupt them no matter how much you may want to explain yourself. Listen intently to show that you are encouraged to change. - Ask Questions
It is never a problem to ask questions. Approach your manager and ask what went wrong and how they think you can improve. If you are doing something that your boss doesn't approve of, ask if they would be willing to be your mentor. You can have regular meetings to learn what they expect of you, not only as an employee at that company but in your field of business in general. - Control Your Emotions
One of the most important things that you must remember is to stay calm and control any feelings of anger or sadness. It is tough to be criticized by others, especially your boss, but you have to realize that you could potentially fix this situation.
There is no need to argue, yell, or cry. You can take this time to point out some of your strengths respectfully, but don't take anything too personally. - Thank Them for Their Input
Even if the feedback was extremely negative and the employer was harsh, thank them for their time and express gratitude for this eye-opening experience. They have given you the chance to improve yourself professionally. It is all about connections, and how you handle a tough situation like this can leave a lasting positive impression with the boss.
What to Do After the Review
- Set Up a Plan
It would help if you laid out a plan for next year, ways that you can improve your performance. Write up an action plan and stick to it. Now that you know what they are looking for and what they expect from you use this information to make a solid and effective plan. Try to make sure that you don't find yourself in this position again. - The Worst-Case Scenario
Sometimes a performance review can go so poorly that you feel nervous about the status of your employment with that company. Evaluate the meeting to determine what you think your next move should be.
If you truly feel as though you will no longer have a future with your company, start searching for jobs. You want to be prepared and ready to quit before the company has the chance to fire you. Before you quit, you had better be sure they will let you go!