How to Handle a Large Workload

How to Handle a Large Workload
When part of your job description requires that you face an enormous amount of work daily, it goes without saying that some stressful situations may arise. Times can be tough, which unfortunately means that each employee may be forced to accept more work on an individual basis.Should you learn to cope with this newfound daily nightmare? Alternatively, are there ways that you can adjust your life to make each day easier? All things aside, quitting a job that brings you distress is not always an option. If you find yourself in a situation in which you do not feel that you can handle your job and workload, there are alternative options. These options may counter your idea to hand them your letter of resignation.
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Handling the Impossible
These suggestions may not work for your particular situation. However, use these ideas to develop plans for what might help you manage or reduce your demanding workload.- Get Organized
Dealing with your work overload is merely a time management issue, and if there is a key to successful time management, it is organization. Maintain clean workspaces and digital interfaces. Organize not only your physical desktop, but the desktops on your computers, tablets, and phones.
Additionally, maintain a smooth schedule throughout the day by living through a day planner. For suggestions on how to be more organized at work learn about time management. - Determine the Problem
Your workload must be growing for some reason, and if you felt as though it's sneaking up on you, take some time to discover why. Ask yourself some vital questions that will pinpoint the reasons as to why you are feeling like there is so much additional work.- Did your boss give you more projects to work on because there have been layoffs?
- Are you the only one in your company who can complete your job?
- Did you recently receive a promotion?
- Choose Your Battles
Of course, as an employee you should want to perform the highest quality work that you can. But if you are struggling because of the sheer volume of work that has been forced upon you, a decision must be made.
Only choose to complete the most important tasks first, and spend the most time on them as well. Or, continue to drive yourself crazy running around trying to get everything done. It is never a good thing to let the quality of your work diminish. Remember that you are only one person. Sometimes things cannot be completed up to the standards that they would have been if you were given the time to do them or had help. - Ask for Help
It is not usually a bad thing to ask for assistance when you truly need it. It is understandable that in your position, you want to appear as though you can handle everything that comes your way. However, if an increased workload is negatively affecting you personally and professionally, it may be time to get some help.
Talk to your manager and explain how you feel about the situation at hand. Perhaps your manager will come up with a solution. Most of the time, people are reasonable, and you can reach a compromise.
When you speak with your boss come across as capable but concerned that the work could be finished quicker with help. You don't want to appear as though you cannot deal with or do not like the work you are doing. You are simply worried about the quality of the work due to poor working conditions. Don't say you have poor working conditions!
If you don't feel as though you can speak with your manager, seek the help of any relevant coworkers. Approach them as a fellow team member that is struggling, and even offer to help them with an upcoming project to reciprocate. - Last Resort
After assessing your situation and taking these tips into account, you should be aware of what your best option is at this point. If you can't deal with the workload, and the company doesn't appreciate your situation, then your last resort may be to pursue other employment. Approach your manager from this angle when you already have another job offer to see if you can leverage a deal. If not, then it may be time to say goodbye to that company.