Get a Job Promotion

Get a Promotion at Work
You know what is right for your career, if you feel that you deserve a promotion, then it may be the time to seek one actively. If your company is in the process of expanding or someone in a position above you is leaving or getting promoted, it might be a good opportunity for you to advance.Getting promoted can be very satisfying as an affirmation that you are competent and have done well for the company. If you feel the time is right for you, there are some tips below that may help you achieve that end.
Career Help Center
These 7 Tips Can Help You Get a Job Promotion
- The Right Job
Your current position needs to have the possibility for advancement. Some positions are “dead end” meaning you will have no place to move up. If this is the case for you, then seeking employment elsewhere may be the only way for you to advance. - Show Proficiency
Be the best you can be in your current position. It's unlikely you will get promoted if you can't perform your current job properly. Be on time for work and don't take off more than your allotted number of personal days.
Go above and beyond what the boss expects of you. Do more than what your normal duties require while staying within the bounds of what you are permitted to do. In other words, don't reach beyond your authority and do something that will get you into trouble, thereby creating the opposite effect of that which you are trying to create.
You should be fully aware of what your boundaries are. You should be well versed in all facets of your position, and this fact should be communicated to your boss tactfully. You will want to stay on the bosses good side. - Stay Current and Then Some
Keep learning to increase your skill level; try to obtain skills useful to the new position you desire. You can volunteer after hours to obtain those skills or find someone who has or had this position or a similar one from whom you can learn. There may be courses you can take at a local college that may teach you the skills you are attempting to learn. - Be Well Liked
People are much more likely to gravitate to those who are kind and pleasant. The ability to work well in groups as a team player and get along with your coworkers is an asset. Don't get caught up in negativity, gossip or office drama. - Talk to the Boss
If you do decide to apply for a position within the company speak to your boss about it, being up front about your intentions demonstrates that you are responsible and honorable. You can also use your boss as a reference if you play your cards right. - Make Your Accomplishments Known
Make sure the right people who can help you with getting promoted know about your achievements and that you are a quality employee. You don't want to be arrogant, but you want to get noticed by tactfully making your accomplishments known. - Apply for the Position
You may not get this position if you don't ask for it. There may be office politics or some other downside specific to your workplace, but generally the worst thing that can happen is management says no. So ask for the position let them know you want it.
The process of applying for an internal position can be similar to that of applying to an outside company. You may need to complete an application, have interviews and need references. Each organization has different procedures so you will need to find out what your process will entail and work on what needs to be done to get promoted.
It also looks better on your resume to have been employed by the same company for a long time. That's another thing to consider if you are on the fence and can't make up your mind if you should stay there or go work somewhere else.
Draw on whatever resources you can to complete your task, the tips in our article on “how to keep from losing your job” may help in this situation. Visit our career library for more tips on interviews, references and more.