Why Can't I Find a Job?

I Don't Get Any Calls or Interviews
The problem is that with a large number of applicants applying for each position, only one of them will get hired. All the other applicants will go home empty-handed. Sometimes hundreds of people apply for the same job, with only one getting hired. Are all the others unemployable?No, as it happened in our example for whatever reason the hiring manager chose the one applicant they felt was best qualified. So what was wrong with all the others? Where they completely wrong for the position? That is what we are going to explore today. We will delve into some of the reasons why you may not measure up to your competition and strategies you can use to improve your value.
Career Help Center
Can't Find a Job? Here Is Some Help!
Don't get discouraged; you will not be out of work forever. Some people will be more qualified than you, but there are measures you can take to improve yourself. You may need to change the way you are currently looking for work, but if doing that gets you hired, then who cares how it happens. Do whatever is needed to get the job done!We have itemized the problems you may be facing along with some solutions to mitigate them. Some measures we have used are listed here; you can implement them to help advance your situation. There must be a reason why you are being passed over. Something you are doing or not doing is on some level affecting the results of your job search. We have listed the most common reasons below:
- The Obvious Reasons
As the heading says, these are some obvious reasons put here to get them out of the way right from the start. If you are going after positions that you are qualified to hold, then you will want to proceed to the following sections. Could it be that you are simply not qualified? That your education or experience is not what the employer requires from an applicant for their position?
There are two ways to correct this situation. Either get the necessary education or experience needed or stop applying for jobs that you are not properly qualified to land. If this is what you are doing, then re-evaluate your credentials and take care to choose jobs that request skills that are in alignment with your skills. - Your Resume Is Poorly Written
Good writing skills are needed to write a resume well. Our large collection of articles can provide some insight and add purpose to your writing. Our creator programs automatically set up and format your resumes, cover letters, and reference pages, removing the need to learn about page formatting in the writing process. Our letter creators do contain built-in letters that serve as a guide for these documents.
Assuming that you already included your pertinent details about your education and career histories, correct spelling, and the usage of proper grammar are very important. One size does not fit all when it comes to your writing, include specific points about each job for which you are applying. “Target” each job using words gleaned from the job posting. Pull out the best details from your career to fill the page with irresistible facts. Optimizing your resume is a whole topic in and of itself so get much more detailed information about writing your resume and how to optimize it for each job. Does the email address you are using read like it belongs to a nine-year-old or does it sound professional? - You Don't Interview Well
So you made the cut and received a call, then had your interview with the employer. You must have done an ample job of completing the job application and writing your resume and cover letter to get to this point. However, you are not getting a callback, or you got the dreaded rejection letter. You may have these issues to correct before you begin to get positive responses from employers:
- Do you take the time to dress appropriately for your industry, groom yourself well and behave in a respectful manner?
- Do you speak professionally using common industry terminology?
- Do you chew gum, twirl your hair, tap your foot or engage in other nervous behaviors?
- Do you look the interviewer in the eye when you speak?
- You Get Lots of Interviews, But No Offers
This section is a companion to the “You Don't Interview Well” section. You will never know for sure, but the reason for the lack of offers may have something to do with how you carry yourself. Even if you have the best professional qualifications if you seem like a person that is difficult to work with that could be a turn-off to employers. It is common for people to work together in groups if you appear as if you won't mesh well with the group that can stop the offers from coming.
Your speech and the words you use can be a factor too. Misusing common industry terminology may give the impression that you don't know your industry very well. It also shows you didn't take the time to prepare for the interview properly. If these happen, then one of these assumptions is true, you should know your industry, and you should have prepared.
Employers also check your social media profiles. Do your posts contain inappropriate pictures or rantings? What you post online is a reflection of your true personality. You aren't going to post false ideas and opinions, exactly the opposite; they will be your true feelings. Remember that the next time you post on your Facebook page. You never know who will see it. - Bad References?
Did you quickly jot down some names of past coworkers, managers or professors? Talk to each of these people first before you use them as a reference. Ask them what they would say if the employer calls them. Will it be the reply you want the employer to hear? It is a good reference that helps you, not one that is vague and evasive. Everything can look good, but if people who know you won't vouch for you, then would the employer trust that you will work out? - What Else Could Be Wrong?
If none of the scenarios above seem to apply to your situation then to troubleshoot the problem further here are some questions you can ask yourself. If you feel you are deficient in one of these areas, then you can explore our Career Help Center for more details on how to remedy each problem.
- Are the jobs you are looking for available in your area?
- Are you in a field that is being phased out?
- Do you network with peers in your industry or with current employees at the place you want to work?
- Did you adequately explain any gaps in your employment history?
- Did you sufficiently explain a lay-off or firing?
- Did you research the company so you could speak intelligently about it?
- For a change did you try looking for jobs that are a bit outside your skill set?
- Is the salary you are asking for inline with industry norms?