Resume Template Style 20

Resume Template Style 20
Compared to style 19, here we laid out the Education and Experience sections in a more compact manner. This one is a good option if you tried number 19 and found that your resume was running into too many pages; the desired length is one or two pages. Be sure to list the most relevant jobs that are pertinent to the position you are applying for without creating an employment gap in your employment dates.The same policy applies to your education, adding only your most relevant degrees and courses will also save on page length. Remember that if you attended college, list your most relevant degrees from college first. There is no need to have your high school entered here if you are entering colleges and degrees.
The headings are of a larger, bold font and are contained within a colored background which has lines above and below it. The jobs and schools are each composed of three lines instead of four like it is on number 19 this is why it creates a shorter document. Changing the font itself and the size also affects the length of the page.
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TIP: If you arrived here from our creator's Style page and you want to use this style, please go back and continue using the program.