New Resume Example Style 19

New Resume Example Style 19
A resume template such as this one may work to improve the uptake of your information by the reader. The colored backgrounds and lines create interest and in doing so may entice the reader to view more of the resume if for no other reason than to see how the design looks. The benefit is that they may also notice some pertinent details about you for which they have been searching. It can cause them to look into your details more deeply. It would help if you used any advantage to help yourself get hired. If you don't use an opportunity, someone else will and maybe take the job too.This style 19 template also tends to distribute your information on the page more widely. This distribution of your information can benefit you if you need to avoid the look of a bare page.
Changing your layout can breathe new life into an old, tired design. Watch our Resume Style video or see our Resume Template Tutorial to obtain info about how your choices can affect the way your info is displayed. Would you like to use this template? You can either download the .doc Word document and edit it on your own with a word processor or use it with our online creator. See the top, right menu to choose which creator you need to use.
TIP: If you arrived here from our creator's Style page and you want to use this style, please go back and continue using the program.